gpt next


Delivering Impactful AI Revolution

Transforming Customer Experience in Financial Services with Cutting-Edge Generative AI Solutions.

Frontline Sales Pilot

Get real time lead scoring, deal predictions, email engagement, customer behaviour insights, competitive analysis, product and content recommendations, follow-up suggestions, sales coaching, and more, enabling faster deal closures and personalized responses to inquiries.

Contact Centre Assistant

Automate personalized responses to customer inquiries, handles frequently asked questions with human-like responses, and streamlines service workflows including case creation and updates, as well as generating targeted automated email responses.

Semantic Knowledge Base Search

Allow users to conduct advanced searches in vast information repositories with contextual understanding for precise retrieval of relevant data from diverse datasets.

Customer Interaction and Sentiment Analysis

Enable real-time sentiment analysis, identify customer preferences, channels of interaction, and generates personalized conversation starters, facilitating meaningful and relevant customer engagements.

Text Classification & Entity Extraction

AI models automatically categorize text data, extracts specific entities, detect mentions of banking products/services, and identify numerical values, delivering efficient sentiment analysis, issue resolution, and targeted marketing in customer interactions.

Product Recommendation Assistant

GPTNEXT delivers personalized suggestions for financial products based on individual preferences and financial history, while also analysing behaviour to offer insights for improving financial health and seamlessly integrating with chatbots for real-time recommendations during customer interactions.

Customer Churn Prevention

GPTNEXT identifies at-risk customers, provides insights into churn factors, and recommends personalized retention strategies through real-time alerts and automated campaigns to re-engage and retain customers with tailored offers and communication channels.

Account Summary

Get a detailed view of customer interactions, purchase records, communication trends, highlighting potential upsell chances, personalized engagement tactics, and predictive insights into customer behavior for enhanced business strategies.

Activity Call Summary

GPTNEXT utilizes natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis to offer immediate insights during sales calls by detecting key phrases, emotions, and metrics like call duration, frequency, successful outcomes, and areas for improvement.

Call Preps

Generate customized talking points based on individual customer profiles, sales contexts by leveraging historical data and customer preferences, suggesting next best actions, emphasizes key talking points, and provides prompts to address objections, enabling users to navigate conversations efficiently and close deals effectively.

Email Auto Responses

Get personalized email auto-responses based on historical data, lead preferences, and behavioral patterns, adapting to optimize engagement and increase desired outcomes.

Lead Summarization

AI models synthesizes diverse lead data through NLP-driven analytics, providing concise lead summaries and actionable recommendations, enabling sales teams to prioritize high-value prospects and optimize conversion rates efficiently.


GPTNEXT employs NLP algorithms to analyze Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and generate customized automated responses, utilizing existing content to enhance quality and relevance, thereby addressing client needs effectively.

AI Solutions Suite that power
Unprecedented Growth

Harness the power of AI-driven features for real-time insights, personalized responses, and proactive strategies across sales, service, and customer retention initiatives.


CRMNEXT Recognized as a leader


Gartner CRM Excellence Award for HDFC Bank Implementation


2023 Financial Service
CRM Wave


Celent Model Bank Award for HDFC Bank Implementation


2022 Best CRM Implementation for Axis Bank


Economic Times Award as the Best Organisation for Women

what our cutomers say

Brad Shafton SVP of Digital & IT Magnifi Financial

We all knew that deploying a next generation CRM tool was going to be a challenge, but necessary to continue our path as a digitally innovative credit union. CRMNEXT has helped us achieve that goal while demonstrating innovative approaches and a strong partnership. With the foundational pieces in place, we are building more modules to integrate disparate systems into a unified view that will benefit staff in all our member-facing as well as back-office teams.

Jennifer Roberts Chief Operating Officer OBEE Credit Union

CRMNEXT created a member-centric data model for OBEE Credit Union with a setup for integrating with several third-party systems. This unified view of our members has translated into efficiencies across our frontline teams. The outcome is simple: happy members and happy employees - a recipe for success and foundational to our culture.

Nancy Sternitzky CIO Sound CU

We are living in an extraordinary financial environment. Banks and credit unions feel the squeeze with rising rates and margin compression. It is more important than ever to understand our members’ needs and respond to them swiftly. Adding more people is not the answer, nor is it getting any easier to recruit and retain staff. Communication and enabling our teams is critical, and this is a shortcoming of legacy systems. Now is the time to invest in CRM solutions and truly harness the power of information across the organization. We chose CRMNEXT to partner with us and to power our experiences.

Steve Ervolino CIO Dupaco Credit Union

CRMNEXT is our strategic partner to deliver digital transformation across our credit union. We leverage their technology to overhaul and unify member service processes into one single point of view. We have completely reimagined our service request and delivery process, referral management, and complaint workflows. We continue to innovate and engineer processes and procedures around the CRMNEXT platform to deliver great experiences to our staff so that they are engaged and deliver superior service to our members.

Insights & Trail Of Success


Boosting loans & deposits: The blueprint for credit unions to maximize CRM data strategy

Data is the key to unlocking a robust member experience. That’s because it enables CUs to learn deeply about members and predict and identify their next best needs. Doing this allows the credit union to demonstrate itself as a partner in their financial journey and conveniently position its products at just the right time. To succeed with data, credit unions need a strategy to bring data together and use it to drive actionable insights. A well-designed data strategy with a CRM can help credit unions unlock significant value.

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Demystifying banking CRMs: 4 critical reasons credit unions need CRM in 2023 and beyond

Today, CRMs are everywhere. They might not stave off an end-of-the-world catastrophe, but they can be used to help your credit union grow and avoid being merged in the process. Just be warned. There’s a big difference between a CRM built for managing sales and marketing versus a true credit union CRM. You need a CRM that does more than store contact information as well as a member’s product and service mix. You need one that helps you avoid a business meltdown and sets you up for success in 2023 and beyond.

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How to unlock the future: Predicting your members’ behaviors with CRM magic

For too long, credit unions have relied on the idea that knowledge + intuition would predict the future. But it doesn’t. All you get are vague assumptions, like some crystal-ball fortune-teller at a fly-by-night carnival. Sure, they’ll tell you what you want to hear. But you’ll lose money, time, and dignity in the process. To get real answers that retain (and attract) members, deepen relationships, and grow your credit union, you need to add data to the equation. Let’s take a look at these three magic words and how they, along with forward-thinking strategy and process, can make predictions possible for your credit union.

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